Never choose between family and financial freedom again, Mama.

Skip the Years of Trial & Error.

Launch Your Money-Making Squarespace Hustle From Your Kitchen Table!

The Gutsy Mama Project Membership Takes The Guesswork Out of Building a Profitable Squarespace Design Business (While Your Baby is Napping).

Most Web Design Courses charge anywhere from $1000 to $3000 upfront for this kind of value. But I decided to create one every Mom could afford for just $37/per month.

➪ Don’t Go Into Debt to Develop a Profitable Skill

➪ Built to Fit a Busy Mom’s Lifestyle

➪ No Previous Web Design Experience Needed

Does this sound like you? 

  • You're a stay-at-home mom who misses working and having your own income. You know you want to do that again, but you don't know where to start.

  • You're a 9-5 mom who is tired of the mommy guilt you feel when you have to choose between your finances and your family.

  • You're already a designer or VA, but you've plateaued and need help to scale your business or add skills to create consistent income.

If you're nodding your head, you're in the right place, and I'm here to help.  

Like Biggie Said. 

“Sky is the limit…

and you know that you can have what you want…” 

Are You Ready?

It's Time To Get Gutsy — It's Time To Get Gutsy — It's Time To Get Gutsy —It's Time To Get Gutsy — It's Time To Get Gutsy — It's Time To Get Gutsy — It's Time To Get Gutsy — It's Time To Get Gutsy — It's Time To Get Gutsy —

Hi, I'm Julie.

Wherever you are on your business journey, I know exactly how you feel because I've been there too.

I was the overworked professional whose mommy guilt became too much to bear. Then I became the stay-at-home mom who lost her sense of identity and missed working and making money but didn't know where to turn.

I thought that those were my only options.

Then one day, I lucked into my first paying gig designing Squarespace websites and everything changed. I became the mom who had an idea but needed to figure out how to scale that shizzzzz to create consistent income.

So that’s what I did and I found financial personal and creative freedom building Squarespace Websites.

(No phone call from a friend of a friend and Squarespace literally changed my life, maybe a no-obligation call with me can do the same for you?)

Then in 2019, I realized that other moms want to change their lives and their families for the better too.

I've taken everything I've learned from my mistakes, my triumphs, and years as a marketing professional and built The Gutsy Mama Project for moms like you.

You’ve tried it your way…

You’ve downloaded all the freebies.
You’ve watched all the YouTube videos.
You’ve read all the blogs by your favorite designers.
But you still haven’t been able to create the work-from-home business you want.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could find a Squarespace Course to walk you through the process step-by-step? ;)

What Real Gutsy Mamas Are Saying…

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“With Julie’s coaching and guidance, I was able to finally have the work-life-balance I once thought was only a dream. She helped me regain my confidence to then start my own company… helped me find clients that value my work and be able to provide an income without working 40 hours a week. I no longer worry about how to juggle motherhood and my career. Now I can work my schedule around my kids and we all are happier and healthier because of it.”

-Leslie B.

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“Anyone on the fence about joining The Gutsy Mama Project... I just traveled to see my family for a week, spent 4-6 hours a day working, then got to be PRESENT for the rest of my time. This month I collected LA lifestyle money... sometimes you just need a kick in the ass to jumpstart the best you!”

-Julianna Y.

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“Julie goes above and beyond … and I hope everyone knows how lucky they are to be a part of this! This is the best thing I’ve ever done for my career and without wanting to sound like a sap or gushy I really am very grateful.”

-Sarah H.

The Gutsy Mama Project Testimonials- Squarespace Coaching 3.png

“I found The Gutsy Mama Project and it was the perfect training for me. It was easy to understand, thorough, and had all the details to be able to gain clients doing web design on Squarespace. And I’m not a graphic designer, I’m actually a psychotherapist! It is a fun side job for me to bring in some extra money. I booked 5 contracts in my first month!”

- Amy W.

Ready to be the next Gutsy Mama Success Story?

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You’re just a few months away from the work-life balance you want.

Imagine never having to ask for approval for time off.

  • Want to take a family vacation? Book it, mama!

  • Want to volunteer to be room mom this year? You can.

  • Want to stay home with your kiddo when she’s sick? You call the shots.

  • Want to coach little league or chaperone a field trip? You’re the boss. Do it!

Imagine doing all of that and still making a great living!

Happy Woman with laptop - the gutsy mama project - squarespace design for moms.jpg

If you're nervous about starting your own business, know this:

You don't have to walk the entrepreneurship road alone. Join me and the other Gutsy Mamas. Let' do this together.

  • You don't have to start at zero. Let me give you the shortcuts and templates you need to hit the ground running.

  • You don’t have to work 12-hour days. Let me help you build and automate your workflow so you can work fewer hours.

  • You don’t have to be afraid of “selling.” Let me help you build the confidence you need to succeed.

Being a mom is Complicated. Let's Simplify Your Business.

3 Steps to Gutsy Mama Status


1.Join The Gutsy Mama Project

You don’t need to know how to code. Each Lesson is less than 20 minutes to fit into your schedule. Don’t go it alone. Join a community of other moms just like you.

2. I Help You Build a Money-Making Business

Build a business like the other Gutsy Mamas who are consistently bringing home 4 to 5 figures every month. If I can do it, so can you.

3. Live the Life You Want on Your Terms

Never choose between family and finances again. Work as many or as few hours as you want. Create passive revenue streams.

Are You Ready to Get Gutsy?

You’re already a Mom.

It’s Time To Be a Gutsy Mama.

Join the Group that was made for Moms Like You.

Being a Mom Boss ain’t easy. Be a part a community that understands what you’re going through. Click below to join the Free Squarespace for Moms Facebook Group.

Squarespace for Moms Facebook Group on Macbook Pro - The Gutsy Mama Project