Isn’t starting a new business risky? Shouldn’t I just apply for a new work-from-home job?

Sure, you could be constantly searching Monster.com for work-from-home jobs. You could be attending Zoom interviews and vetting new work-from-home jobs, but let me tell you that working from home isn’t the dream goal, especially when it’s to someone else’s schedule.

Do you want to answer calls all day about a company you care nothing about?

Do you feel inspired attending endless virtual team meetings while trying to find a hidden corner of the house that’s quiet enough?

Do you feel like you’re living your best life when your kids wonder why you’re always on the computer and the phone?

Finding a work-from-home job is a band-aid fix, not a long-term career strategy.

Being a mom isn’t your career death sentence.

Being a mom has brought you to this point in your life, and now you get to rewrite the career rulebook.

Become a full-time mom and a cashed-up CEO of your own web design business, and prepare for a satisfying and fulfilling career outside the corporate bonds. Always be there for tummy time, their first steps, and school drop-off.

How Can I Possibly Learn Web Design? Code? What? No Way!

Squarespace is your answer.

Squarespace takes coding and designing out of the equation with templates you can’t break. Trust me: in the beginning, I tried hard. Squarespace wouldn’t let me.

It’s the drag-and-drop style of editing that keeps the design smooth and style on point.

It’s not just that, though.

Squarespace has actual human beings on hand when I need tech support. So if I’ve got questions, Squarespace always has answers. (Try that with WordPress. It won’t happen.)

Squarespace is mobile-responsive, which means your website will look good on a mobile phone, a tablet, and any sized computer screen. These days, with everyone going online with different devices, that’s really important.

Finally, while I use available templates, the customization is unlimited, meaning I can create a website that’s as unique as my client. I’ll show you how to bend its templates to your wildest creative mama will.

So, this is where I take a moment to profess my love for Squarespace.

I love you, Squarespace.

Thank you for giving this mama the opportunity to set up her own web design business that allows her to out-earn her corporate salary while working part-time hours.

What is the program format?

The Gutsy Mama Project is taught using all the media: video, audio, and fun worksheets to match your learning style. Not only will you see my precious face, but you'll also see my screen where I'll explain and demonstrate the concepts you'll be learning, kind of like we're in the same room together.

Do I need to submit assignments?

Nope. Down with homework! This isn't school. I designed the course for you to be able to implement the strategies immediately, start your business and see instant results.

Are installments automatically processed each month?

Yes. Our high-tech secure system means you don't have to transfer money manually to me every month. Woo hoo! Cancel anytime.

Does it matter if I live in Iceland?

It matters because it means you’re the coolest person I know, and can I come visit? But no. All you need is wifi. Join the other Gutsy Mamas and me from anywhere in the world.

Is there a time limit to doing the course?

Nope! Build your business on your times. I'll be here if you need me.

How do I sign up?

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