If I Wasn't a Badass CEO Who Was I?

All the while, a new annoying idea started to grow into my head. If I wasn’t Julie Moe, badass CEO, who was I?

I never realized how much of my own identity was tied up in my job until I tried being a full-time stay at home mom.

After the insane mommy-guilt I felt from being a full-time working mom, my husband, and I decided it was time to give staying home with the baby full-time a try.

At first, it was amazing! We got into our groove.

Wake up. Breakfast. Play. Nap. Housework. Lunch. Play. Nap. Housework. Snack. Play. Dinner. Bath. Bedtime. Repeat.


I could set my watch by the regularity of it all. The days started to meld together until I couldn’t tell you what day of the week it was.

All the while, a new annoying idea started to grow into my head.

If I wasn’t Julie Moe, badass CEO, who was I?

Since having a baby and getting married, there were whole new circles of people who only knew me as either Geoff’s wife or Roxy’s mom. I felt like to those people, “Julie the individual,” didn’t even exist. Most of those people didn’t even know my first name. To them, I was just Roxy’s Mom or Geoff’s wife.

I missed solving problems. I missed talking to people. I missed finishing projects and being creative. I missed making my own money.

I missed working…..

It came to a head one day when I realized that I hadn’t had a hand in earning any of the money in our account. I was grateful that we could afford to get by with a single earner in the family, but not bringing in any money of my own was a tough pill to swallow for a woman who had been working since she was a teenager.

Mommy-guilt had been replaced by mommy-money-guilt.

And on top of that, I felt guilty because so many moms wish they could stay home with their kids full time and not work. I felt like an ingrate.

I said a prayer. I sent my intentions into the universe. “Could I please spend tons of time with my baby AND make money?”

I got my answer when a friend who I hadn’t talked to in a while asked me if I could build a Squarespace website for him. I had never built a Squarespace website, but of course, I said YES!

I needed the challenge AND the money. Over the course of the next few months, that website turned into more websites and other marketing tasks—all of which I could do while still spending loads of time with my little one.

The new Zooby Media helmed by a happy mama with a happy family was born!

Mamas, let’s get real for a minute. I got lucky and turned that luck into something extraordinary. Maybe this is your lucky chance. Perhaps it’s time to turn your luck into something extraordinary too.

If you have questions about The Gutsy Mama Project, shoot me a note. Let's chat.
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Sometimes You Have to STOP to move forward


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