6 Reasons Why Web Design Is a Great Gig for Stay-At-Home-Moms

If you're reading this, you're probably a mom who is considering a career pivot. If that's the case, welcome amazing mama.

This web-designing mama is stoked you're here.

Learning to build websites legitimately changed my life; maybe it can do the same for you. I went from a mommy-guilt-ridden overworked mom to a mom who feels real fulfillment in her career and family life.

So let's dive right in.

Is web design a good option for moms who want to work from home?

Heck yes, it is! And here are a few reasons why.

1.) Time Freedom

Let's unpack this. You can build websites during nap times, in the morning before the family wakes up or if you like me, late in the evenings, when my brain is the most creative.

And since web design projects aren't usually overnight turnarounds, clients don't mind what time of day you do the work, so long as you get it done.

Web Design is no 9-5, where you will be tied to your desk all day.

2.) You get to be creative.

Notice I said "Get to be" and not "Have to be." I am no artist. I can barely draw a stick figure, but building websites scratches the creative itch I didn't know I had.

I get to take a bunch of pieces and put them together to make something extraordinary that my clients love.

Just a note: Squarespace, the platform I teach, makes it super simple to go from "never built a website before" to badass web designing mama.

3.) Location Freedom

Location freedom isn't just for the childless digital nomads. It's not just about working from a cafe in Paris or the beach in Costa Rica, even though I've done both.

It's about having the freedom to grab your laptop and work from wherever your family needs you.

All you need is a laptop and a wifi connection, and you've got a business you can run and make a living doing.

4.) You Get the Satisfaction of Helping Others

Every business needs a website. It's not an option; it's a necessity. And every business owner knows it. What they don't know is how to do it or even where to start.

That's where you come in, mama. You've got the answer that can make it a win-win for everyone. You've got the web design knowledge and the know-how to help businesses thrive online.

The business will make more money, and so will you. See? Win-win.

5.) It's Never Boring

If you're anything like me, you can get bored quickly. You get good at something, and then boom! You get bored with it and want to move on to something else. There is no more challenge.

I've been designing websites for five years and have yet to get bored with it. It's a miracle. Every project I take on offers a new challenge, and I constantly get to level up my skills.

The trends are constantly changing. The tech is ever-changing. And I get to change along with them. I get to grow along with them and show the moms in The Gutsy Mama Project how to do the same thing

It's really fun, actually. I've designed over 80 websites so far, and I'm still learning and leveling up.

6.) Web Design is a Skill That People Value.

Want proof? According to recent data, a professionally designed website can cost a business between $1,000 and $100,000.

I acknowledge that that is a pretty big range, but even at the low end, wouldn't you like an extra $1000 in your pocket? So what accounts for the big differences? Put simply, it's experience and added services.

  • The experience will come as it comes, but what services can you add on?

  • Maybe you will write the sales copy

  • Connect their Google My Business Profile

  • Optimize the site for Search Engines like Google

  • Perhaps you will connect their payment gateways and email marketing services.

  • The list goes on and on.

In short, there are loads of ways to pad your bottom line honestly with valuable and needed services

Does all this sound good to you? Yeah, it did to me too. That's why in 2017 when my daughter was just a baby, I started building Squarespace websites.

And it is always why in 2019, I launched The Gutsy Mama Project to give moms like you all the tools they need to build, grow and scale their own web design businesses from their kitchen table.

If you’re ready to build a business you love with the help and support of a coach and an amazing
community of moms, learn more about The Gutsy Mama Project.


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