Confessions of a Phone Addict

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There’s no point replacing one time-sucking job with another, even if you’re the boss. 

I got into my business so I could buy myself more time with my family. So I didn’t miss out on all the special moments. 

But sometimes, I get stuck in a scroll hole, mindlessly scrolling instead of being present for my family.

My name is Julie, and I’m a phone addict.

If you’re a little bit like me and your phone is permanently attached to your thumbs, then here are some of my own personal tips that have helped me put down the phone and really be there to enjoy my family’s company. 

1. Leave your phone on the charger

 It can be in earshot but not in arm’s reach. If I can grab my phone, I do, almost unconsciously. Having it a little further away puts it out of sight and out of mind. 

2. Set an ‘out of office’ message

Don’t stress! I’ve never had a client complain that I wasn’t available 24/7. They’re people too. They don’t want to work constantly either. 

With clear boundaries and flexibility for an emergency, you don’t have to be constantly checking your phone. 

3. Delete for the weekend

Games. Social media. Anything with mindless scrolling.

Despite the fact that social media is a big part of my job, I’ve been known to delete Facebook and Instagram on the weekends and reinstall them on Monday morning. 

 4. Make it a game

I recently downloaded the app Forest. They’ve gamified putting down your phone. Not using your phone never felt so fun. 

Basically, you set a timer in the app, and it grows a virtual tree if you don’t use your phone until the timer goes off. As you stay off your phone, you get virtual coins that you can use to plant real-life trees, thanks to the developers partnering with tree-planting organizations around the world.

5. Use your phone reminders

I have a reminder set on my phone that pops up every day around dinner time. All it says is: Be Present. 

It reminds me to put down my phone and spend time with the people I care most about in the world, the ones who are right in front of me. 

The bottom line is: we could all spend less time on our phones and more time with our families.

And that’s what The Gutsy Mama Project is all about. 

Set up your own web design business, work part-time, make more money, and be there for all the moments that make life worth living. 

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