Why You Can't Neglect Your Website's Privacy Policy Anymore

Oh, the ol’ T&Cs and PPs. They are easily the least visited page on any website. 

Be honest, do you really read the terms and conditions, or do you just click the button that says you have?

Of course, you just click the button. There is no shame in it. We all do it.  

Website Terms and Conditions -The Gutsy Mama Project Blog - Squarespace Design Coaching for Moms - thegutsymamaproject.com

Who has time to read 1500 words of legalese for every online purchase and website visit?  

I know I don’t.  

**Disclosure**: This post contains an affiliate link (marked with an *). When you click the link and purchase, I make a small commission (at no additional cost to you. )

But remember back to last January, if you’re like me, you probably got an email from every website you have ever visited about how they had updated their terms and services. 

Literally, hundreds of emails about updated policies. 

So that got me thinking. Why were all the companies who probably had significant budgets for attorneys sending all of these emails?

So after a little research, I learned that it was because there were some significant changes to state privacy laws, especially in California.  

But I’m in Nashville, what does a law in California have to do with me?   

So I did a little more research, and I learned something that most business owners don’t know. 

It doesn’t matter what state you’re your business is located in. It matters what state your website’s visitor is in.  

So if your website’s visitor is in California, your website needs to comply with California Law. 

Spit Take! What? Seriously?


But what are the possible consequences of not keeping up to date with all the privacy laws in every state? Does it REALLY matter?

“Some states are proposing businesses be fined over $5,000 per infringement (per website visitor). Some states are proposing private right of action (meaning citizens of that state can sue businesses anywhere in the US).” **

Spit Take! What? Seriously?


So what is a company that doesn’t have a budget for high-priced lawyers to do? 

Well, there are plenty of free options like https://www.termsandconditionsgenerator.com/

And while having terms and conditions from a free generator is better than nothing, who has the time to make sure they are updated with each state law update? And how can you really be sure that they are correct in the first place? 

There has to be a better way!

Enter Termageddon*!

With just a couple clicks and a few questions answered, Termageddon generates not just your policies. They also give you embeddable code that automatically updates as laws change. That’s the real kicker for me.

You get to set it and forget it.

Copy and paste the code onto your site and...

Presto, you’re covered. It’s that easy.  

Now is there a fee for this service? Yes. As of writing this, it is $99 per year. 

However, in my mind, the added peace of mind of knowing that you’re protected is worth it. 

For more info, visit Termageddon’s site by clicking here. 

** Source: https://termageddon.com/why-use-policies/


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