The One Rule This Work-From-Home Mama Never Breaks

There are so many rules when you own a business. As an entrepreneur one has to which rules you can bend, and which you can break.

In my business, there is only one rule that I NEVER BREAK.

My family always comes first.

Period. With no exceptions. 

Work From Home Mom- The Gutsy Mama Project - Squarespace for Moms

I'm very upfront about this with my clients. I don't hide the fact that I'm a work-from-home mom. And I only work with clients who understand that sometimes a call may need to be rescheduled because of a sick kiddo or that my days end at 3 pm because I have to pick my daughter up from school.

In fact, I mention these things right up front in my proposal.  

My family is a non-negotiable with my business. I don't hide that. 

While my daughter Roxy's school was closed last year, that meant that there was a bouncy and curious 3-year-old who often popped in to say hello on Zoom calls and that I took mornings off to be with her.  

I'm beyond proud that I have a business that lets me have freedom like that.  

But it wasn't always that way. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was terrified that my clients would think my work would suffer because I would have a baby home with me. So I kept my pregnancy quiet.  

I cheated myself out of the joy that comes from sharing the news far and wide. I didn't get to post my sonogram or my maternity photos. Most people didn't even know I had my daughter until well after she was born.  

I hadn't set my business up, and I didn't have the right clients so that I could be the mom I always wanted to be AND be a Cashed-Up Momboss.

Then one day I decided to change that. 

  • I set the boundaries I needed in writing.

  • I fired the clients who wouldn't stick to those boundaries. 

  • I stopped offering services that had constant fire drills and emergencies and started focusing on building Squarespace Websites. 

  • I became happier than ever to run my business. 

Now you may ask, why Squarespace web design. 

  1. Because I love building, designing, and having something to show for it at the end of the day.  I get to point to a new site I’ve launched and say, “See that.  I made that.” It’s a great feeling. 

  2. There are almost no web design emergencies that can’t wait until business hours or at least until after bedtime.

  3. I could charge a higher price point for a service like web design.  

However, I don’t want you to think that I just magically was instantly good at web design.  I wasn’t.  When I look back at the first websites that I built, I cringe.  There was definitely a learning curve. There was a lot of Googling and Youtubing.  And dear God! So much trial and error, and so many costly mistakes. 

But that is why I created The Gutsy Mama that moms like you could skip the mistakes, the googling, the random youtubing, and build a money-making Squarespace Design Business FAST. 

Seriously, Squarespace changed my life.  Maybe it can do the same for you. 

Click here to check out The Gutsy Mama Project. 


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